Saturday, 28 March 2015

why Google Adsense Disable

Does Google pays my earning on Adsense

HAHAHA! This is a very common wrong idea people hand regarding Adsense program. People think that whatever meny they earn on adsense, it is actually coming from Google’s pocket. No my friends, it is not. Adsense earnings actually comes from the ad publishers pocket. When organizations post ad through Google Adwords, the amount they mention for CPC, it is actually get divided into Google’s profit and as well as adsense users earnings. Now it has been calculated by using many complex mathematical formulas which included many key factors of your site like number of your daily visitors, your page rank, your website average pageviews etc. So, in short if you are a very reputable site which higher page rank and more visitors, you will earn more in adfsense than others. Even the higher CPC ads are shown most often in reputable sites. So, now as you have an overall idea about how adsense works, lets share top 5 tips to prevent your account getting banned or disabled on adsense.Google AdSense by default serve ads based on your visitor's browsing history that Google stores in browser's cookie. Depending on your website's niche, disabling it can serve more targeted ads to your visitors and increase your AdSense earnings.
A niche with high competition in Google AdWords (where there are a lot advertisers bid for keywords in your site) would benefit from disabling the option, while site's with less targeted keyword might suffer.
- See more at: you try to login to your AdSense account today and find it’s disabled. You frantically try again with no luck and then check your email to find Google’s contacted you to let you know your AdSense account has been disabled. Ugh…
We’ve had some readers and listeners email us about the fact that their AdSense account was disabled and were wondering how we continue to operate with such a potential risk looming. We were evencalled out in the comments section on Joseph Archibald’s blog about why we might be avoiding the topic or not sharing those risks with our readers.
While we did write a post about the risks of online publishing, we didn’t address this issue directly and I thought I’d lay out some of our thoughts here in this post. If you’ve found us vague on this subject in the past it’s mostly because it’s something we haven’t dealt with directly.
Most of our content is focused on building niche sites and AdSense monetization, so if you no longer have that as an option there hasn’t been much to say. Still, it’s a pretty serious issue for those affected and we wanted to give them the options that we know are available and would use if such a thing were 

Friday, 6 February 2015

How I Got My Disabled AdSense Account Re-enabled and Working Again

invalid activity is one of the most common thing which affright every new AdSense publisher. As per a recent published adsense statistics repost, almost 72% adsense account got disabled and banned due to invalid click activity reason. A group of students also done a research about the webmaster’s view and thought about their adsense account getting disabled due to invalid click activity. Most of the webmaster said that they neither clicked on their own ads nor provoked anyone to do so. They feel that Google disabled their account so that they won’t have to pay him anymore. Also some said “it’s a Google scandal to fool webmasters”. If you are one of the victims of the invalid click activity, trust me there is nothing to do with google, it’s all your you and your site.

What is invalid click activity in Adsense?

As per definition if a click is generated as an outcome of keen interest on the ad or product showing in the screen and if the user clicked on the ad, it will counted as a legit click. Now if the user just clicks on the ad without even having any interest on whatever is showing in the screen, it will definitely be counted as invalid click. Also if a user just keep clicking every single ads showed in his screen, then also it can be taken as invalid click activity. Because logically there is no one in this internet who could be interested with every single ads shows up on his / her screen. Take a look at the video below to know more about invalid click activity.

What is Google AdSense?

Google is a monopoly. They are the largest search engine and advertiser in the world and this causes problems.
AdSense can deliver highly relevant and targetted ads through your web pages making publishers, advertisers and Google lots of money. But, it is a victim of its own success. Google offers no individual support for AdSense.
Google usually disables accounts for invalid click activity. Since you get paid every time someone clicks an AdSense ad on your site, naive webmasters have been known to go click, click, click on their own ads. OK. Maybe most aren’t that stupid. But maybe their friends are. Who knows? The fact is many accounts have been disabled and publishers doesn’t have a clue why. Google won’t tell them.

What to do if your Google AdSense account is disabled

If you don’t think you have been responsible for any invalid click activity on your ads or you don’t think you have violated Google’s terms of service, the first thing you can do is appeal.
This works … sometimes. However, judging by the number of unhappy people there are on Google’s Product Forums, I think we can safely say that the appeals process is unlikely to bear any fruit.
Another thing you can try – if you’re desperate – is to simply create another AdSense account. Now, creating another Google personal account when you’ve already got one is against Google’s Terms of Service. But, Spencer Haws, an internet marketer and niche site genius, successfully created a new company with a different address to his banned personal AdSense account address. He’s happily still making a fortune from Adsense after his original account was disabled.